Sunday 25 February 2018



Welcome to Big Big Jade n Ruby Jewels, a CDR press from Texas.
We've been active since 2009 but shut down without cerenomy in 2012. We are working on getting out our back catalogue currently after this 6 year silence. I recently talked to Noah, Sarah & James of Cool Dogs and they agreed to re-release their stuff. So, watch out for James by Cool Dogs coming soon! 

All CDs will be unique. Here are pictures of the designs by Noah!





Looks cool, doesn't it? Yeah!

Alright, but who cares about the future? We want the stuff from the present. So like... here's our current 2018 offering. A split by two people that helped rediscover the label's catalogue, Hannah & Claudia.

The CDs.

Thank you for reading... Have a nice day! 
Rich Entango.